Welcome to my web site!
I started growing and studying ant-plants seriously in the year 2001. My intention is to use this site to share what I have learned and grown while at the same time learning more.
Specifically these are some of the things I will be doing here:
naturalist Odaordo Beccari. His drawing are on this site now.
I hope you will find things on this site of interest and value to you.
Unless noted otherwise, all photos on this site are the copyrighted property of Frank Omilian and may only be used with his written permission.
If you find errors or broken links here please let me know at: frankinmi@aol.com
An ant-plant internet group has been formed and it has attracted a number of people who are passionate about ant-plants. Excellent information and high quality photographs abound on the site. Visit “The Ant-Plant Forum” at www.myrmecodia.org
Keywords: Hydnophytum, Myrmecodia, Anthorrhiza, Myrmephytum, Squamellaria, Lecanopteris, Solanopteris, Beccari, antplant, antplants, ant-plant, ant-ferns, antfern, antferns, Rubiaceae, Rubiaceous, Seeds for Sale, Plants for sale, Dischidia, Myrmecodia platytyrea, Myrmecodia tuberosa, armata, dahlii, clypeoli,epiphyte, formicarum, moseleyanum, identification